Posted on: March 7th 2022

Kingsham Avenue pedestrian crossing locations

Toucan crossings
Letter from Councillor Sarah Sharp re Kingsham Avenue pedestrian crossing locations 


Dear Parents/Carers

Following on from my site visit with two Highways officers, I would like to share an online survey with you which I have put together to canvas opinions from residents and young people about a crossing of Kingsham Road:

In the meantime, thank you for your support and please contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter.

Yours faithfully


Councillor Sarah Sharp (Mrs)
Green Party County Councillor for Chichester South


Phone: 03302222946
Mobile: 07789843556
Home: 01243 790077

Twitter: @Ccc13Sarah

Facebook: Sarah Sharp (chichester.greenways)

Zebra crossings



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