Why Join the CCF?
Becoming a cadet within the Combined Cadet Force (CCF) provides many exciting opportunities allowing you to take part in lots of challenging military-themed activities such as Fieldcraft, Adventurous Training, First Aid, Sports and Shooting.
As a cadet you will be part of a select team made up of other pupils across a variety of age groups from within your school, giving you a great chance to make new friends with a shared interest.
The Chichester High School CCF Contingent with
Deputy Headteacher, Dr Nick Taylor.
What’s involved?
It is important you wear the uniform and follow the ethos of your chosen Service (Army or Royal Air Force at CHS). Each Service, or Section as they are called within the CCF, follows their own training syllabus with their own specialist topics, however they all include aspects of:
- Military Knowledge
- Drill and Turnout
- Fieldcraft
- First Aid
- Navigation
- Skill at Arms (Rifle handling and shooting)
- Adventurous Training opportunities could include mountain walking, canoeing, gliding and offshore sailing.
- Cadet and the Community
Progression through the syllabus allows you as a cadet to gain promotion within your chosen CCF contingent, taking on leadership responsibilities and assisting other cadets with their experience.
How will I benefit?
Being in the CCF is a fun and healthy experience. The physical nature of some of the activities helps to develop a higher level of fitness whilst allowing you the opportunity to do something that you may never have done before and will probably never have the chance to do outside the CCF.
Much of the training that will be available to you will help to develop skills useful for later in life.
When and Where?
Generally, training opportunities for cadets occur during weekly Parades within school grounds on Fridays, but there will also be whole day and weekend Field Days outside of school, and an Annual Camp. Information will be given nearer the time and parental consent forms will be issued.
Does it end when I leave school?
Although your time as a cadet will physically come to an end when you leave school, most cadets have found that by the end of their time with the CCF they have gained many fond memories and shared experiences that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.
These experiences help to make them a more interesting and rounded person; also, by gaining promotion or by successfully completing courses outside school, they will have gained invaluable experiences that will demonstrate their motivation and persistence when it comes to completing either a CV or University application.
Am I signing up to join the Armed Forces?
Just by joining the CCF you are not committing yourself to a career in the Armed Forces. Although many cadets go on to join the Armed Forces once they leave school, there is absolutely no pressure for any cadet to do so. The Ministry of Defence accepts that the Cadet Force organisations add value to the youth of today and for this reason continue to support them wholeheartedly.
How do I join?
If you wish to join as a cadet, please speak to a member of staff at your school, visit the CCF office in the heart of the school or pop along on a Friday after school.
Best Contingent - Annual Army Camp, Crowborough 2018