
Chichester High School is an academy as part of  The Kemnal Academies Trust (TKAT)

TKAT is a multi-academy trust which was established on 1st September 2010.  Its constitution is set out in the Articles of Association and this is shared with individual academies via the Scheme of Delegation.  TKAT have, through the Scheme of Delegation, established Local Governing Bodies for each of the Academies.

Governor's Strategic Plan 2018 - 2023 can be found here

The Governor Impact/Mission Statement 2022/23 can be found here

Please click here to read the TKAT Scheme of Delegation.

Please click here to see the signed copy of the constitution.

The Local Governing Body of each of the Academies is responsible for fulfilling the strategic and operational governance role in the conduct of the Academy. 

Please click here to Meet the Trustees of TKAT    

Please click here to link to Governance information relating to TKAT, including the structure of governance and relevant details about Trustees terms of office, attendance and business interests.

Please click here for key documents including the Master Funding Agreement, Articles of Association and Accounts.

Chichester High School Local Governing Body (LGB)


The constitution is made up of 13 governors.
2 Co-Headteachers
2 staff governors (2 vacancies)
2 parent governors
7 appointed governors 

Chair of Governors:               Andy Coles, an appointed governor

Vice-Chair of Governors:       Jo Bailey, an appointed governor

Please see the details below of our current LGB members. 

For correspondence with the Governors please contact the Clerk to Governors, Emma Symonds email or in writing to the school address which can be found here


There are seven meetings of the full Local Governing Body each academic year. 
In addition to this, there are two committees: Pay Review and Finance & Premises, who have delegated responsibility laid out in their terms of reference.

Pay Review

To implement the Pay Policy in a fair and objective manner and to consider any individual representations that may be made in respect of pay decisions.

To undertake an annual pay review for each member of staff based on the criteria set out in the Pay Policy with effect from 1 September.

To observe all statutory and contractual obligations, including making arrangements to notify pay decisions to individual members of staff within appropriate timescales.

To consider recommendations of the reviewer/Headteacher for pay rises.

To recommend the annual budget required for pay purposes, including provision for discretionary pay awards arising from performance reviews.

Finance & Premises

To review, adopt and monitor a Finance Policy which includes the local scheme of delegation for spending and budgetary adjustments (virements) for the committee, Headteacher and other nominated staff.

To draft and propose to the governing body for adoption an annual school budget taking into account the priorities of the Academy Improvement Plan.

To monitor the income and expenditure throughout the year of all delegated and devolved funds against the annual budget plan.

To report back to each meeting of the full governing body and to alert them of potential problems or significant anomalies at an early date.

To provide support and guidance for the governing body and the Headteacher on all matters relating to the maintenance and development of the premises and grounds, including Health and Safety.

For correspondence with the Governors please contact the Clerk to Governors, Emma Symonds email  or in writing to the school address which can be found here


Click on a Governor to see their pen sketch.

Governor Type

Committee membership, Roles and Responsibilities

Andy Coles

Andy cole gov



Member and Chair of the LGB

Current term:
10.12.2020 to 10.12.2024

Start date: 10th December 2020

Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31st August 2023 - NONE


Jo Bailey

Jo bailey


Member and Vice Chair of the LGB

Member of the F&P Committee
Department Link Governor - Maths & Science

Current term:
05.06.2022 to 05.06.2026

Start date: 19th April 2018

Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31st August 2023 - NONE

Naomi Lewry

NLE camera 27.06 (2)


Member of the LGB

Member of the F&P Committee

Appointed 1st July 2024
Expires n/a

Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31st August 2023 - NONE

Nicholas Taylor

Dr Nick Taylor   Deputy Headteacher


Member of the LGB

Member of the F&P Committee

Appointed 1st July 2024
Expires n/a

Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31st August 2023 - NONE


Chris Dring

Chris dring


Member of LGB

Member of Pay Review Committee
Department Link Governor - Maths & Science
Child Protection Link Governor, including Safeguarding


Current term:
05.11.2020 to 05.11.2024

Start date: 1st September 2013

Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31st August 2023 - NONE

Julian Page

Julian Page   Governor Feb23



Member LGB

Current term:
09.02.2023 to 08.02.2027

Start date: 9th February 2023

Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31st August 2023 - NONE

Karen Guy


Appointed Governor

Member of the LGB

Current term:
09.06.22 - 08.06.26

Start date: 9th June 2022

Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31st August 2023 - NONE

Jane Cecil

Jane cecil gov

Appointed Governor

Member of the LGB

Current term:
10.12.2020 to 10.12.2024

Start date: 10th December 2020

Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31st August 2023 - NONE

Jon Davis

Jon davis parent gov


Member of the LGB and F&P committee

Current term:
28.03.2024 to 27.03.2028

Start date: 28th March 2024

Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31st August 2023 - NONE

Emma Jane Bryant

Emma bryant governor


Member LGB
H&S Link Governor 

Current term:
01.02.2022 to 01.02.2026

Start date: 1st February 2022

Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31st August 2023 - 

Ms Bryant is an exam invigilator at CHS

Dr Pete Phillips

Pete phillips gov headshot


Member LGB

Current term:
01.02.2022 to 01.02.2026

Start date: 1st February 2022

Declarations of Interest, including transactions to 31st August 2023 - 

Dr. Phillips is a senior lecturer at University of Chichester




** vacancy **





** vacancy **


Emma Symonds

Clerk to 

Appointed 1st August 2016
Expires n/a

CHS GB Attendance at meetings 2022-23 can be found here

CHS GB Attendance at meetings 2021-22 can be found here