All homework will be recorded in ‘Classcharts’ by class teachers.
The frequency of set work is as follows:
KS3 students will be set homework weekly
in English, Maths and Science.
KS3 students will be set homework fortnightly
in MFL, Geography and History
KS3 students will be set homework in Technology, Art, Drama, Music and PE
to be set as necessary
KS4 students will be set homework weekly in all subjects
Parents, carers and students will access this online. When homework is not completed, teachers will simply record a negative point for parental information for parents to discuss with their child and support at home – putting the sanction into the hands of the parent.
High quality homework will receive a positive reward point in ‘Classcharts’.
Homework will check, support or develop READING, RESEARCH, REVISION, WRITTEN skills and one of these will be the focus for each subject for each homework set.
Homework does not always have to be done at home. Homework support is available before school and after school; the Library and the Achievement Centre can provide homework support.