Who to contact
Who to turn to at CHS
At Chichester High School, we believe that communication is key to building partnerships and in
underpinning success for each and every child.
We appreciate that having become used to regular face-face contact with your child’s primary teacher, the move to secondary school can be daunting in terms of who to contact when you have a query – however big or small.
If in doubt, please contact our receptionists on 01243 787014. They will be happy to assist in putting you through to the relevant person.
If you would like to:
- Report a child’s absence, please use the ClassCharts absence app as the main point of contact.
email or ring the attendance officer on 01243 832667
- Speak to our school Senior Pastoral Support Manager, please ring Mrs Diplock - on 01243 787014 Ext 48225 email
- Speak to a curriculum leader or subject teacher, please ring reception on 01243 787014 and they will put you through to the relevant department.
- Speak to your child’s Head of Year, please ring the reception on 01243 787014 and they will put you through to the relevant person.
- Contact our Chair of Governors, please email
If you have any other queries, concerns or comments, then please ring reception on 01243 787014 or email
We value your views and look forward to hearing from you.
More email contacts for the Senior Leadership Team, Head of Year and Head of Departments can be found here