Chichester High School has approved a number of policies covering a wide range of important topics relating to the success and well-being of all students during their time in school. They are not all featured here.
If you wish to see any other policies, please contact the Clerk to the Governors in writing at the school’s address, or contact the school directly.
If you require any paper copies, please do contact the Clerk to Governors or ring the school and ask to speak the the Head's PA.
All documents will be printed free of charge.
It is our policy to allow students to have devices with them in school under the following conditions:
*Devices can be brought to school but must not be used for any purpose
(eg phoning, texting, surfing the internet, taking photos, checking the time, taking videos) as soon as the students enter the school site.
They can be switched on at 3.20pm once they have left the school site.
* Devices must always be switched off (not on silent mode) and kept out of view in the student’s bag. They should not be in a pocket or about their person.
* If a student breaches these rules the mobile phone will be confiscated.
* Headphones will be confiscated if they are visible on school site. They will be kept in a secure place ready for parents to collect.
* If a phone is confiscated repeatedly then parents/carers will be asked to come in and collect the phone. Parents/carers will be informed at all times.
* Devices must not be taken into examinations
Personal items are brought in at their own risk – this includes mobile phones.
Personal items are not covered by the school’s insurance policy.
Chichester High School is a nut-free school to ensure a safe environment for all
The school aims to protect children who have allergies to nuts yet also help them, as they grow up, to take responsibility as to what foods they can eat and to be aware of where they may be put at risk. We do not allow nuts or nut products in school lunch boxes.
Our “Nut-Free Policy” means that the following items should not be brought into school:
Packs of nuts
Peanut butter or Nutella sandwiches
Fruit and cereal bars that contain nuts
Chocolate bars or sweets that contain nuts
Sesame seed rolls (children allergic to nuts may also have a severe reaction to sesame)
Cakes made with nuts
Any home cooked meals for packed lunches that are made from nuts
Parents and carers must notify staff if their child has any known or suspected allergy to nuts and provide all medical and necessary information. This will be added to your child’s care plan and if necessary, a meeting organised with the school.
You can find any additional TKAT policies here
CHS and TKAT Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Absence Management Policy
Accessibility Policy
Admissions Policy
Admissions Policy - Sixth Form
Attendance Policy
Behaviour Policy
Careers policy
Charging & Remissions Policy
Complaints Policy
Expenses - Staff and Governors
First Aid Policy
Flexible Working Procedures
Gifts & Hospitality policy
Intimate Care policy
Mobile phones
It is our policy to allow students to have devices with them in school under the following conditions:
*Devices can be brought to school but must not be used for any purpose
(eg phoning, texting, surfing the internet, taking photos, checking the time, taking videos) as soon as the students enter the school site.
They can be switched on at 3.15pm once they have left the school site.
* Devices must always be switched off (not on silent mode) and kept out of view in the student’s bag. They should not be in a pocket or about their person.
* If a student breaches these rules the mobile phone will be confiscated.
* Headphones will be confiscated if they are visible on school site. They will be kept in a secure place ready for parents to collect.
* If a phone is confiscated repeatedly then parents/carers will be asked to come in and collect the phone. Parents/carers will be informed at all times.
* Devices must not be taken into examinations
Personal items are brought in at their own risk – this includes mobile phones.
Personal items are not covered by the school’s insurance policy.
Outdoor Education and Off Site Education
Premises Management Policy
Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy
Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy
'This policy is currently under review, awaiting national updates.
The updated policy will be published as soon as it is available'