
Students will have a range of courses to select from, studying either a Level 2 Diploma or a level 3 BTEC Sport extended Diploma in sporting excellence and performance.

This decision will be based on academic ability and GCSE results. Studying Sports Development, Coaching and Fitness is an integral part of their provision.

Route 1:

1st 4 Sport Level 2 Diploma in Supporting School Sport and PE

Route 2:

BTEC Sport Extended Diploma in sporting Excellence and Performance.

(3 A Levels Equivalent) 12 Units

Entry Requirements: 4 Level 4+ including English and Biology

All course routes include:

Coaching Qualifications
Refereeing/Umpiring Qualifications
First Aid
Child Protection
Gym Instructing
Coaching experience
Sport training/ Competitive fixtures

Further information on the three pathways will be available at the follow up evening which will take place in January.

Theoretical understanding of anatomy, physiology, sociology and culture will be taught. 

The emphasis will be on practical lessons wherever possible to fit in with learners’ strengths.

All academic work will be delivered by academy staff in the School environment to allow continuity between football and academic studying. Large emphasis will be placed on professional standards and behaviour being maintained at all times.

Simple procedures will be used to ensure players act to these expectations during their time at the college.