
Safeguarding and Child Protection

Chichester High School follows the DfE guidelines regarding the code of conduct and procedures for ensuring safeguarding and child protection provided in “Keeping children safe in education”, issued under Section 175 of Education Act 2002. This replaces any previous Keeping Children Safe in Education documents.  

Our procedures apply to all members of our school community, are consistent with those of the local safeguarding children board (LSCB).

Our core safeguarding principles are:

  • The well-being and safety of all members of our school community are paramount
  • Everyone has a role to play in safeguarding children
  • Policies and procedures are reviewed annually and agreed by our CHS Governors
  • All staff (teaching and support) are required to read and understand Section 1 from Keeping Children Safe in Education (see link above).
  • All staff (teaching and support) receive regular child protection and safeguarding training.

Staff are trained to look out for signs of abuse:

  • physical abuse – eg bruises, lacerations, burns;
  • emotional abuse – eg excessive dependence or attention seeking;
  • sexual abuse – eg physical signs or substantial behaviour change including precocity or withdrawal;
  • neglect - eg inadequate clothing, poor hygiene, poor growth, hunger.

These are not proof in themselves that abuse has taken place and staff should never investigate suspected abuse. If concerned, staff inform the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).

If a child volunteers information, staff listen carefully, make notes and pass the information on to the DSL.

Staff must not:

  • make assumptions
  • ask leading questions
  • put pressure on the child
  • give an impression of confidentiality. If a child is at risk staff have an obligation to pass on information to DSL. A child may preface their comments with, for example, “Promise you won’t tell anyone …” Staff cannot give such an assurance, but will explain that they have to tell the DSL and why. If the child refuses to carry on, that is noted and the DSL alerted.

As a school we have a statutory duty to assist Children’s Social Services acting on behalf of children in need or enquiring into allegations of child abuse. We have developed and promoted effective working relationships with West Sussex Children’s Services and the Police and have a duty to provide information during child protection enquiries. In addition, we have a pastoral responsibility in recognising that children have a fundamental right to be protected from harm.

Staff are obliged to raise any concerns regarding a child’s welfare. Any staff member can refer their concerns of abuse to Children’s Social Care. However, for a consistent approach in school staff are expected to raise concerns with the DSL.


Safeguarding at CHS 27.06.24

Role Name  Contact
Designated Safeguarding Members of staff (DSL)

Dr Nick Taylor
(Lead DSL)

Mrs Julie Silcock

Miss Abigail Taylor

Mr James Freeman

Mrs Michelle Diplock

Mrs Jacqui Curtis


01243 787014


Dr Nick Taylor
(Lead DSL)

Mrs Naomi Lewry 

School, via Head’s PA
01243 787014
Lead Governor for Child Protection Mrs Chris Dring

School, via Clerk to Governors
01243 787014

Safeguarding Team 



Mrs Michelle Diplock

Mrs Jacqui Curtis


01243 787014 Ext 48225

- Key Stage 5

Mr Callum Shove

Mr James Freeman

01243 787014

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

Service number
01403 229900

Consultation number
0330 222 6450
(available 09.00 - 17.00)



Miriam Williams and

Donna Tomlinson


Sarah Arbuckle

Service number
01403 229900

Information regarding the work of the LADO can be found here

WSCC Safeguarding

West Sussex Children's Services - 

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)


Tel: 01403 229 900
(Out of Hours - 0330 222 6664)

Safeguarding in Education Manager

Sally Arbuckle 



Tel: 0330 222 7618 



The DSL will ensure that Child Protection records are kept securely locked.

The School’s P4C programme includes modules which raise awareness amongst the pupils of the rights of young people with regard to Child Protection. 

The full Child Protection Policy can be found within the school policy area here