Welfare Officer

Our Welfare Officer, Miss Bacon is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and health of all the students in the school.

If you need to contact her, please call 01243 832215 or email her here

If your child has been prescribed medication that has to be administered within school hours, the school requires parents/carers to complete the Parental agreement form in order for staff to administer the medication.

Once the form is completed, please bring this along with the medication to Miss Bacon in the Welfare Office where it will be safely stored.

Please make sure that any medication is supplied in the original box/container with the pharmacist's label.  Miss Bacon will then arrange access for students to come to the welfare office to take their medication.

CHS consent documents

Parental Agreement consent form

Epipen Consent Form

Asthma Consent Form

Request for a student to carry their own medicine

Please view the First Aid Policy and Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions here