Posted on: June 19th 2017

Blazer and tie update


It was agreed AM today (Monday 19th June) that all students can remove blazers/ties but must have them in their bags. 

Students were told during tutor time.

Students were encouraged to take their blazers and ties off, most students did.

Please contact Mrs Lewry or Mrs Honey and Dr Auckland-Jones if you need to have specific conversations about your child.

We will subsequently keep this under review and advise students directly of any changes to the uniform expectation.


Update 20th June 2017

Message from Mrs Lewry - Vice Principal

We apologise if there has been some misunderstanding to you about uniform during this hot weather.

We have made it very clear to our students that they absolutely do not have to wear blazers at all in these extreme weather conditions.

We have asked all students to keep their blazers in schools (bags or lockers) so, when the weather cools, we can return to our correct uniform policy. Our staff are always mindful of our student's well-being and never expect students to wear blazers in the classroom if it is too warm.

This message is clear to staff and students; we can only apologise again if this message has not been clearly communicated to parents.

I am more than happy for parents to contact me if they wish to discuss this further.

Mrs Lewry

Please ensure that your child has enough water with them for the day and that sunscreen is applied prior to the school day.

If they need to apply more, please ensure they bring their own sunscreen with them.



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