GCSE Results 2020
It was a privilege to welcome our Year 11 students back into school today to receive their long awaited GCSE results. This cohort of students represents the last year group who started their education at two single sex schools, do they really are a very special piece of our CHS history.
We would like to say ‘Thank You’ you to all of our Year 11 students who have demonstrated resilience, determination and patience in these extraordinary times. I am really proud of all of our students and can celebrate this year group’s performance knowing their efforts have been rewarded.
We are looking forward to welcoming many of them to our Sixth Form in September where we will be able to continue to support them.
Mrs Lewry, who led and supported this year group has a personal message for all ‘I wish all of our students the best of luck for the future and really hope they all thoroughly enjoy continuing their education whether it be in sixth form, college, apprenticeships or in the world of work’.
Today has been about putting the chaos of the last few days and weeks behind us, and celebrating with individuals their well-deserved successes.
Our TKAT (The Kemnal Academy Trust) CEO, Dr Karen Roberts has commented on the exam results.
She said, “What has mattered most this year is that our students have exam results that reflect their efforts over the previous two years.
We are pleased that, eventually, our students have been awarded a fair set of exam results.
In this extraordinary year, it is not appropriate to make comparisons with previous years or cite individual performances, but we should recognise the hard work and the resilience of all our students and staff.”
As Headteacher, I am grateful to all our parents/carers and teachers and staff who worked tirelessly with this year group.
Mrs Joanne McKeown
Chichester High School