Andrew Tyrie MP visits CHS
A very enjoyable and informative time was had by CHS students who were the audience for a question and answer session with Chichester MP Andrew Tyrie.
Following a welcome and biography of Andrew Tyrie's achievements as a parliamentary MP from Head Girl Nisha Tharmarajah, questions came from an enthusiastic floor.
Andrew's views were shared on issues such as Brexit, the lowering of the voting age and the role of social media in politics. The questions finished on a lighter note where the MP for Chichester was asked to tell of his greatest and funniest moments in politics.
A vote of thanks was given by Head Boy George Scutt, followed by appreciative applause.
Head of SMSC Richard Roman, commented that following student participation in the General Election and the Referendum, it was great to have the opportunity to keep students talking about politics.
Andrew Tyrie's visit to Chichester High School - Hillary Keyamo, Year 13.
On Friday 14th October 2016, Chichester Member of Parliament, Andrew Tyrie, visited Chichester High School.
Mr Tyrie engaged in a successful question and answer session with a large number of students from all different age groups. No matter who the question was asked by or what the question was, Andrew did his utmost to answer honestly, engagingly and completely. He voiced his views on the recent ‘Brexit’ campaign, provided his own personal definition of “politics”, gave an answer to who his favourite prime minister of all time is and even shared some of his most amusing political memories. Not only did Andrew answer our questions, he gave us a personal account of his life before politics, the process of getting into politics and specific information on the work he is doing now as a politician. We learnt of his work to oppose the treatment of prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, as well as his input in the process of getting the country out of the banking crisis in 2009.
After this scheduled meeting with the KS and KS4 school students in our school library, Mr Tyrie then headed over to our sixth form centre with a few students and interacted with as many sixth formers as he could.
What struck me about Andrew is that he was incredibly down to earth, he introduced himself to everyone he spoke to, had genuine discussions with them all, whilst still imparting wisdom that only comes from being the experienced MP that he is. He even went to our school canteen to grab some lunch and sat down to eat it with us. He took a real interest in our views and ambitions and left us some copies of his books when it became clear that the issues raised in them were ones the students at our sixth form had taken a keen interest in.
It was lovely having Andrew Tyrie with us and he left our students with a very positive outlook onto the world of politics. Andrew stated at the very beginning of his visit that “everyone is interested in politics, even if they don’t know it” and by the end of his visit, his words definitely proved true.
Executive Principal, Yasmin Maskatiya said, “We were delighted that Andrew was able to visit us and that our students were able to gain such interesting insights into the world of politics.”
Yasmin added, “In a very busy day, Andrew was able to stay for a lot longer than originally intended, our students really benefited from the time he was able to give.”
Andrew Tyrie MP said, “It was a lively, as well as an extremely enjoyable, exchange. I learned something, particularly from a good number of informal conversations afterwards.”