Curriculum intent

English curr

‘Language shapes the way we think, and determines what we can think about.’
Benjamin Lee Whorf

The English Curriculum at CHS intends to enable students to communicate clearly, in both oral and written forms, creatively and transactionally so that they are functionally literate. 

Our aim is to equip our students with skills that will spiral through the curriculum to build their depth of knowledge and resilience through ENDEAVOUR and enable our students to EXCEL in their studies, but also empowers them to communicate effectively and competitively in a global community.

We will achieve our intent by providing students with a broad, inclusive, and engaging English Curriculum: where there will be many opportunities to explore, ENJOY and understand a range of different cultures, concepts, and themes through reading and studying an array of novels, drama, poetry, and non-literary texts from around the English-speaking world.

Curriculum information

English page for highlights july 21