Posted on: June 23rd 2023

Headteacher Update 23.06.23

Alaric govan sml pic

‘Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought’- Albert Einstein

Creativity is an important part of the educational process and builds upon the knowledge-rich curriculum that we are developing at Chichester High School. In my opinion, the two are linked together - you can’t be creative unless you have learnt stuff first.

Being creative is definitely an intellectual process, but it’s also fun too. Last Thursday, we held the first of our Performing Arts showcases and, after being lucky enough to be one of the judges for this event, the sense of fun and excitement was evident across the evening. The winning performance by a Year 8 group of students combined two famous stories - The Wizard of Oz and Little Red Riding Hood - and then reimagined them, using humour, passionate acting and some very inventive use of rap. The other two groups were equally inventive - the Year 7s set the story of ET in the modern age of mobile phones and social media; and the Year 9/10s created a modern version of Othello set in a school, with a hilarious use of satire that had the audience laughing throughout.

I drove home that evening very proud of all the students, and incredibly grateful for all the efforts made by staff and Sixth Formers in supporting these groups. 

Next week, we begin an amended version of our timetable uplift. As you know from my previous letter, we’ve had to change our original plans but we are determined to have a positive finish to the end of the year. Year 9s have received their option choices today (a separate communication has been sent to you all about this) and we will be introducing them to aspects of the new course over the remainder of the term. The new Year 12s will be experiencing some taster days.

The end of the year also means saying goodbye to some students. Yesterday, The Year 11s had their leavers’ assembly (thank you to Mr Faulkner for organising this) and next week they have their Year 11 prom at Fontwell. This is always a highlight of the year and we are all looking forward to this. The week after, the Sixth Form Ball will bring an end to the Year 13s seven years at the school.

For the rest of the school, our Sports Day on Thursday 13th July will be an all-day celebration of sporting achievement.

On a final note, the NEU declared two days of strike action on Wednesday 5th July and Friday 7th July. A letter will be sent out on Monday to confirm the arrangements for these two days.

I hope you all have a good weekend.



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