Posted on: June 14th 2023

Uniform - Hot weather update

Weather update

14 June 2023

Dear Parent/Carer

Following another day of high temperatures, we are writing to provide an update on our uniform expectations.

Whilst we expect our students to continue to wear ties, we are relaxing the requirement for students to wear blazers in school which will be optional for the duration of this hot spell.

We will continue to review this and will communicate any further updates in line with the changeable nature of the British summer!

Our expectations around the use of mobile phones remain unchanged and we ask that students refrain from carrying these by hand or in visible pockets.

Please do ensure that your child brings a drink into school, there are a number of water fountains around the site and students are encouraged to refill their water bottles during break times as they are not permitted to do this during lesson times.

The UV index continues to be predicted to be high this week, please also remind your child of the importance of wearing sunscreen especially during extended periods outdoors.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely

Nick Taylor
Deputy Headteacher



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