Posted on: February 8th 2024

Closing early 09.02.24

26th January 2024
Dear parent/carer
End of half-term early closure
We are switching to a new information management system as part of a Trust-wide change.
This system contains all the student and employee data and is also used for critical processes such as taking the register. This change is significant, and many actions need to be taken, especially considering the safeguarding implications of this system.
Several actions can only be taken at the last minute. To accommodate these actions and the tasks that need to be performed by the staff, we will need to close the school to students at 12:55pm on the last day of the half-term (Friday, 9th February).
For the final two lessons of the day, students will be provided with work on Class Charts. Please note that there will be a small number of Photography students who will need to remain on the school site to complete their PPE (mock exam).
Any children eligible for free school meals can collect these during break (11:30-11:55am).
For students who make use of the bus services arriving on site, including the 107 Compass service, these will not be providing an on site collection service on Friday 9th February 2024.  We request that parents/carers make alternative travel arrangements for collection at 12.55pm on this day.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause, but ensuring that these critical actions are completed effectively before the students return after the half-term break is essential.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
Yours faithfully
Alaric Govan



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