Posted on: June 9th 2017

CHS Elections 2017

Our CHS Elections 2017 - a massive success.

It was a victory for the LibDems, winning 25 of the 37 tutor groups.

The Liberal Democrat manifesto was centered on the aim of working for an open, tolerant and united school, and this was clearly reflected in their policies on the three main election issues – attendance of local schools, setting, and health. 

True to their belief in openness, they argued that students should have the freedom of movement to attend the school of their choice.  They adopted a pragmatic and measured approach to setting, emphasizing its importance for academic subjects but arguing for mixed-ability groups for the creative subjects.  The Liberal Democrats were highly critical of Conservative underfunding of the National Health Service, and referred to their Party’s General Election pledge to raise a tax of a penny in every pound. 

The students also campaigned on two school-based issues of their own choice.  
As their first school-based issue, the Liberal Democrats returned to their themes of openness and tolerance by promising to address the unconscious use of racist and homophobic language within the school.  For their second, the Liberal Democrats made an innovative proposal to improve the quality of learning time by starting the school day half an hour earlier Monday to Thursday in order to introduce a half-day on Fridays. 

The aim of their campaign was to use attractive policies to appeal to as broad an audience as possible while also making a stand for key liberal values. 

In this, they were astoundingly successful, securing a landslide victory.  

080617 voting 34




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