Posted on: May 19th 2023

Hegarty Heroes 19.05.23


This week's Hegarty Heroes are for MemRi* questions answered correctly:

Alexander P 9D/Ma1, Elizabeth B 9J/Ma1, Grace W 7ad/Ma1, Evie M 7fj/Ma2,
Jess W 8D/MaI, Charlotte F 7ad/Ma1, Lily B 9J/Ma1, Pierson S 7ad/Ma4, Theo F 7ad/Ma2, Evelyn G 7fj/Ma1

Our ACE7 is Lanelle S, ACE8 is Jess W and ACE9 is Lucas B

Our Bright Sparx are:

Lucas T, Lucy D, Daisy J, Danny M and Bailey M

MemRi dynamically creates a quiz of up to 10 questions each time.
The quizzes are designed to be taken once a day for a set number of days each week



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