Return to school
Dear Parents and Carers
I hope you are well and have had a good half term. At last the weather seems to be brightening up and Spring is on the horizon.
We are delighted that children are allowed back to school on 8 March. They have had so much absence from school in the last year and we have missed them so much. It is crucial we get them back to school with their friends, learning well and thriving in all aspects of their lives. I know the return will also create some anxieties for a whole host of reasons but please be assured that we are here to listen, support and respond.
Please do not hesitate to contact your child's Head of Year with any questions.
We need to take some time to plan the transition back into school so that all pupils can be offered a Lateral Flow Test three times from 8th March before the home testing kits become available. This will mean there will be a staggered start for year groups.
However, during this transition, remote learning will continue in full until pupils are in classrooms and being taught by their teachers.
I will be in contact again this week regarding the specifics of the return, including details of the lateral flow testing, but in the meantime, I wish you a really happy week.
Yours faithfully
Joanne McKeown