COVID-19 - update
13 March 2020
Dear Parents/Carers
Following the most recent advice from the Government to schools about slowing down the spread of Coronavirus COVID-19, all overseas school trips are being postponed. I have written to those families this affects.
Inevitably, the current situation raises concerns and questions about forthcoming trips, planned events and in the longer term, public examinations. All these are considered in our contingency planning and, where appropriate, we will write to the parents of relevant year groups to outline details.
During this week, we have been ensuring plans are in place to continue the education of our pupils should we need to close:
- Key Stage 3 (Years 7 – 9) Work for English, Maths, Science, History and Geography has been attached to ClassCharts for pupils to complete. We would also recommend that pupils take this time to read. Suggested reading materials can be found on clickview. These resources would be constantly updated and added to; pupils will need to check ClassCharts every day.
- Year 10 should access ClassCharts, SENECA for all GCSE Classes. The overall expectation would be that each pupil studies for four hours per day.
- Year 11 pupils: Our school website has 20-week revision plans for all pupils which details exam questions, mark schemes, revision topics and links to websites that will support and guide our pupils here.
In addition, staff have created learning groups using Edmodo and Seneca Learning. All pupils have been given these codes but I have added them to the bottom of this letter in case they have been forgotten. A code is not necessary for Seneca Learning (individual teachers may set assignments), GCSE Pod or BBC Bitesize. Teachers will be available to answer questions and give feedback via Edmodo during the normal scheduled lesson time. The overall expectation that each pupil studies 4 hours per day. We have met with Year 11 pupils and taken them through this process.
- A letter has already gone to our Sixth Form pupils outlining study support through Edmodo.
The following events will not take place and will be rescheduled:
18th March: Year 7 Parents/Carers Evening
26th March: Year 10 Parents/Carers Evening
As the advice from the Government changes, we will keep parents and carers informed via our website.
General advice about Coronavirus COVID-19 can be found here
We continue to remind pupils about hygiene daily and will continue to do so. Thank you for your continued support, calm approach and positive attitude.
Yours faithfully
Joanne McKeown