Posted on: November 12th 2017

Chichester City Remembrance Service

We are always delighted to be part of the Chichester City formal Remembrance Service.  Our full CCF Contingent looked superb as the school got ready to pay our respects. 

Our Senior Prefects joined the School Combined Cadet Force in laying wreaths on the War Memorial at the Litten Garden, Chichester. Their parents and extended family members joined them to pay their respects.

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This is a formal event where the Council are preceded by Mayor's Constables, the Mace, the Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Town Clerk and City Councillors.  Their parents and extended family members joined them to pay their respects.

Our CHS wreaths have, for the last twenty years, been placed at the War Memorial by the CCF.  Many thanks to everyone from Chichester High School, for representing the school at this very formal, respectful service.

We were very proud to be there again this year.




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