Posted on: June 15th 2021

Small Schools Visit Cancellation, Wednesday 16th June 2021


Dear Parent/Carer

Small Schools Visit Cancellation, Wednesday 16th June 2021

In light of yesterday’s announcement by the government, that COVID restrictions will be extended for another four weeks, until Monday 19th July, we at Chichester High School have taken the sad decision to suspend our Small School’s visit, Wednesday 16th June.

I apologise for the lateness of this cancellation and the inconvenience that this consequently could cause. Our staff and transition buddies are very disappointed as they were so looking forward to meeting your child at this event and had planned a range of activities for them.

An additional letter will be sent to all our parents later in the week, with information regarding the week of the 19th July, when, we hope that some induction events can be held face to face. It will also include some changes to our additional support sessions some of which will be changed to virtual meetings.

We will contact you by ParentMail in the next few days with an update on your child’s induction to Chichester High School

Yours sincerely

Julie Silcock Clare Skinner

Vice Principal KS3 Transition Lead

Some useful flyers from the team

Year 6 Flyer about anxiety

Year 6 Flyer about making friends

Year 6 Flyer about behaviour and attendance



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