Posted on: December 16th 2020

Jamie Fitzjohn with Year 11

We were delighted to have West Sussex Councillor Jamie Fitzjohn join Year 11 (virtually) for a Q and A in their Citizenship lesson on Wednesday.

Jamie Fitzjohn

Mr Fitzjohn spoke about his route into politics and his passion for empowering people, especially young people, to get involved and make a difference.

The students are about to embark on their own Active Citizenship Campaign as part of their GCSE course and this was a great way to launch the project.

He also spoke about his views on party politics and why he has become an Independent councillor which feeds in very well to their need to evaluate government and politics in the UK.

In his role as a local councillor, he explained the power and influence people at a local level could have. 

Like many of the residents of Chichester, the students were keen to grill him on the motivation and cost of the COVID cycle routes put up through town!

The students took a great deal from this event and we are very grateful for Jamie's time and enthusiasm.




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